Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Been Awhile / iMove Out

Wow it's been quite awhile since I've made an entry. Haven't been busy at all though... Anyways...

iMove Out aired November 28th, 2009. The synopsis as follows

"Freddie decides to move out of his apartment after his mother embarrasses him; Carly, Sam, and Freddie start a business specializing in pet photography."

During viewing, before I start, there were no shipping scenes. Just your regular iCarly episode. It was very good as well. Though I did catch a peek at Freddie 'protecting' Carly from the elevator noise. I happened to record it, and I uploaded it onto YouTube.

iMove Out was a Freddie episode. Showing he's independent and well on his own. However he doesn't seem to hold out, as he is lonely and does not want to sleep all alone, deciding to crash at Carly's house. After awhile, Freddie moves back into his house with his mom. They made a pact for their to be no further embarrassment. Let's hope it stays!

The smaller sub-plot during iMove Out, is Carly, Freddie, and Sam creating a photography business for pets. Appropriately named 'Petography'. After getting the idea from making Gibby's dog happy by dressing him up, they take pictures of peoples dogs in style or clothing for cash. Shortly thereafter, Seattle's biggest Petography shows up at their door, destroying some of the studio. Sam, Freddie, and surprisingly Carly vow to destroy their shop as well. It takes a twist as Sam steals the Petography's two owners's fluffy cat. The two plots mix, and the cat goes for a nap on Freddie's window ledge... Spencer must go catch him, and the iCarly studio is safe from the Petographers.

I give it a 3/5!

Creddie! / iSpeed Date

Aired: September 26, 2009

Anyone who says iSpeed Date wasn't a Creddie episode, obviously didn't see iSpeed Date!

Carly wants to go to the dance with someone! Anyone... While turned down after spitting in the eye of a boy she wants... she's desperate. Needing an escort, Sam tries to help Carly find a partner. With no luck, Sam announces on iCarly that Carly is in need of a date to the dance, many boys show up at the Groovie Smoothie for a chance with iCarly. With one to many men, they set up tables, interviewing each boy for fifteen seconds. Hence 'iSpeed Date'. Narrowing down to one guy, Carly picks her man. He seems nice, full of great stories, and a real keeper.

While Freddie seems to have luck, he gets asked by three girls. All of them... strange. He finally accepts a date from a girl who can do magic. Sam doesn't want to go the dance at all, but feeling bad for Gibby, Sam asks him, and he declines. Sam is in awe, that even she, was said no to by Gibby...

On the day of this dance, Carly and Freddie head to the Groovie Smoothie after the dance, with Carly's perfect guy, and Freddie's date 'the witch'. As they soon find out, the personality underneath the faces. Carly's partner constantly interrupts the entire conversation with stories of his own, until Carly and Freddie can barely take it anymore. Agitated, Carly shoos him away, left with no date. Freddie's witch friend is creeping him out, before she disappears away... Both Freddie and Carly are left with no date... Until Freddie brings up that they should dance tonight with someone they didn't want to kill. Both agreeing, Freddie asks her to dance in a way, and the two dance slowly to nice music... Both seem happy and smile. In the background, Sam walks in and sees the two dancing. Feeling awkward, Sam walks out with a sad look on her face.

Review -

What a really nice episode. Though the plot is really not one of my favorites - it was very funny. The Carly and Freddie dancing scene showed lots of happiness for both of them. Though Sam's look brings many uncertainties. There may be more in the future! Look out.

Monday, September 7, 2009

iThink They Freakin' Kissed?!

Yooo! This is a review on 'iThink They Kissed'!

A very nice episode! I could really tell that this episode actually didn't have any shipping... if you think about it long enough. What really happened was just Sam admitting it they kissed, and Freddie nearly dying (very funny!!).

Carly finds out. Freddie finds out Carly finds out Sam told her. Sam finds out Freddie found out Carly finds out. Sam finally finds out she was the one who told in the first place.

Did Freddie and Sam... like it? Since we haven't got to find out... we shouldn't assume anything!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bloggin' Time

Yup, it's been awhile since I have wrote. Why? Because nothing much has been up with iCarly and shipping. Which I have been much good about. No hassle in fighting about which ship is better or which episode has better moments.

No episodes have been released after iTwins. Only the iCarly movie 'iFight Shelby Marx'. Which was indeed, I say, a wonderful movie...

It seems I was also right about Sam not being Melanie. She wasn't!! I have also seen people freaking out about Freddie has been to Sam's house. I assure you, this is nothing to scream over. Freddie and Sam are friends, so it's pretty much a given they have been to each other's houses? Have you ever been to your guy friends's house??!?!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Proof Sam is not Melanie

In this entry, I'm going to show you my reasons why I believe that Sam is not impersonating her sister. It doesn't mean it's right, but it certainly has a lot of proof Sam is not being her sister. The video I took these pictures off are not of very good quality. Only two promos for this episode have been released. I managed some okay shots, but just be aware they are not the greatest.

First of all, I'd like to start with Sam's personality. If Sam liked Freddie, 'the dork', I don't think she would go as far to pull of an elaborate scheme as switching identities with her twin sister. That's crazy. A tough Sam would approach Freddie and just say it. Even if she would have chosen to go down that path and actually pretended to be her twin, Freddie would believe it wasn't Sam, and eventually Sam would have to come out and say she was really tricking him. She can't hide being Melanie forever. So sure, let's say Sam is really posing as her sister, and she comes out with it. She is hoplessly in love with Freddie. From any fan of iCarly, we know that Freddie has a beef with Sam. Freddie would obviously turn her down!

The second promo gives us way more information than the first, so lets focus on that one. Not bothering about the first part. Moving to the part that takes place in the Groovie Smoothie. Freddie takes a seat with Carly and Sam. He asks the blondie if she is either Sam or Melanie. Responding with a punch, Freddie sees that it is Sam. At this point, they most likely have a conversation. Then Sam has to leave apparently, because she is gone from the next scene.

In the next part of the promo, Sam is missing from the table. Freddie and Carly still sit, in the same clothes and positions, initiating that nothing has changed, except Sam is missing. Walking toward the table is a girl that looks like Sam. She is wearing a pink sweater and is carrying a pink bag as well. In the picture above you can see the scene is unchanged. Sam is missing, but Carly and Freddie still sit. Taking a closer look at the girl approaching them, we see that just maybe... this is Melanie, and not Sam.

This girl is wearing jewelry, a pink sweater, and is holding a pink bag. Now most people would know immediately, Sam would never wear pink. Even if she was pretending to be her sister. Of course the actor is Jennette, but Sam Puckett? Not likely. This girl seems nothing like Sam. I will be naming her Melanie. In appearance, it doesn't like anything like Sam. In the other promo, Melanie tells Freddie she thinks he is cute. What a polite girl. Sam? Definitely not a polite girl with manners.

Freddie thinks that this pink girl is Sam. Freddie asks her to go on a date, and Melanie agrees. Although it does never show, Freddie probably thinks that this cannot possibly be Sam. Sam would have declined immediately.

Okay, well, enjoy this episode. You can expect a review on this. Whether it is positive or negative, only time may tell. At this point, I'm betting... It's not Sam, it's Melanie.

Friday, July 3, 2009

iMust Have Locker 239 Review

Bwahahaha! I loved this episode. For mainly two reasons. One, because it was hilarious. Two, because Sam left Freddie there 200 dollars in the hole. Talk about Anti-Seddie. I can stand Sam and Freddie being frienemies at the least.Not only did I enjoy this, but it was probably one of my favorites from season 2 of iCarly. Sam and Freddie sharing a locker doesn't end well.

When a student from Ridgeway leaves Seattle, his locker is up for grabs. This locker however is special, it's four times the size of any other locker at the school. Anyone who owns this locker, is a pretty lucky kid. The prinicipal sets up a contest, and the winner... wins locker 239! Only this show would use FatCakes as a contest. Apparently Sam can automatically know how many snacks are inside a jar, and she guesses the exact amount. Freddie, being a genius can get to the right amount by using mathematics. The locker is shared by both Freddie, and Sam.

I was worried this episode might be a Seddie. I see now I have nothing to worry about. Not only does Sam not respect Freddie's space and make's his locker crowded, he has no place to put any of his things. Sam even gets him in trouble by leaving the remote to the music in his hand, sending him to the principle. Just what you expected, Freddie can't take it anymore. He can't take Sam! So what's the thing to do? Of course, bribe her with money. 200 to be exact. She takes the money and he takes over the locker all-together. I must say, I love this part.

Sam's mother, just got lazer-eye sugery, and she's actually driving a car. I had no idea that this was going to happen. Glad it did. Sam's mother actually comes bursting through the school, leaving Freddie's locker in a pile of rubble. Even more strange, Sam gets into the back of the trunk, and her mother pulls away. The Puckett's are a strange bunch of people...A teacher comes, and he gets lifted off to the office! Yikes, not a good end for Freddie!

Was this episode Seddie? Maybe Sam's mother purposely ran through the locker for Sam. Most likely not. Seeing how Sam was going to give Freddie the locker because she missed being next to Carly, she pretty much scammed him. Waiting until Freddie would crack and pay for the locker. She'll never give him his money back! Seeing as how Freddie has no locker... yeah, this episode was definetly not Seddie. How could it? Here's some pictures from the episode.

These pictures via YouTube kai1faune.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

iTwins - It's Mellie


From a Creddie's view - just when you think iCarly would get over with this whole Seddie phase, BAM! More Seddie. It's happening way too fast. I'm very unhappy that Jennette and Nathan have to kiss... again. I've read up on iTwins as soon as Randitheprincess from YouTube mailed me this video. Her message was clear as day, and I clicked it immeaditly. What did I see? A blonde lady kissing Freddie. I knew this was Jennette, but was it Sam Puckett? I listened to the audio too, not just staring at the screen. Apparently in this episode Sam's twin sister comes and has a crush on Freddie and she ends up kissing him. So, the first thing any Creddie fan would do is scream in horror, and then, believe, yes, it is Sam's twin, no doubt about that. That's exactly what I believe.

You know, TeenNick is insane. They do the craziest stuff, it's not unlikely that Sam would have an identical twin sister. That's insane right? Yeah, so was Logan and Quinn ever happening. Yeah, it happened though.

Now onto more of this episode.

First of all the things, I'm going to be insulting some Seddie fans, so if you can't take the heat, just quit reading now. The episode is about Sam's twin. Apparently from wikipedia (which is not always true), her name is Melanie. Well 'Melanie' here is supposed to be Sam's twin sister.

The 'kiss' scene takes place in Groovy Smoothie. Melanie approaches Freddie, and she tells him he is cute. Freddie remarks it is Sam, and not her sister. At this point, Melanie says "Would Sam, do this?" and kisses him. Were talking about Freddie here. Do you Seddie fans honestly think Freddie wants to be kissed by Sam? The two people on this show that have bad blood? That's a joke.

This is where I'm going to be insulting you Seddie fans. If you actually paid attention to them speaking and not watching Jennette McCurdy and Nathan Kress swapping spit, I am not talking to you. You fans that comment and say "OMG SEDDIE!" Okay, it's not Seddie. It's Sam's twin. Sam and Melanie are two different people. You idiots that can't even hear the audio, it's not Sam. Even the character is insisting she is not Sam. Stop saying Seddie, because it is not Sam!

I think that if Sam actually liked Freddie, she would go for it, and not having to put on a fake identity, calling herself Melanie. Sam wouldn't do that. It's Melanie. Let's just hope. There is no reason you should be calling it Seddie, it's practically 'Mellie' at this point.

Either way, Freddie loves Carly, and that's it. Can't they give us any Creddie? I know that at the end of all these Seddie-nonsense episodes a big Creddie scene will come.