Tuesday, June 23, 2009

iMust Have Locker 239

So now I hear about this new episode called iMust Have Locker 239. I'm already sighing. As much as I hate Seddie, I can't stand all these episodes about Sam and Freddie being together. Well, I know I can't let this bring me down. I am willing to do anything, and see anything that can prove Sam does not like Freddie. I am all in favor of them being friends, but the Seddie fans pretty much are all about them being together, which makes the slightest episodes or little moments great for them. Not to mention they have a kiss on us, and yet, we have a nose peck. Seddiers pretty much have a lot of good moments for them. I hope, in due time, us Creddie fans get moments. May I add now, moments that will totally crush and destroy the hopes of Seddie. Nothing against you guys, but... Seddie sucks!

Now more on this episode. Not focusing on any couple shipping for now. You guys know Sam, right? The always-hungry selfish little pig? Yeah... well, we know she obviously likes to prank Freddie and play mean jokes on him. So obviously here, Sam is going out on a limb, to disembowel Freddie and everything about him. In short - all she wants is the locker. She doesn't care if Freddie wants it, she wants it. She is not going to let him have it. So I lied, and now you see, why the wonders of... Seddie will be completely gone from this episode! Or not... Read on.

But with the last line, I question toward you this. I know it's original Sam to always be teasing and making fun of Freddie. I certainly wouldn't find it funny if Carly did these things to Freddie. I don't see why you guys think Seddie moments happen when Sam makes fun of Freddie. It's sad. If she really liked him she would not be doing these things.

Now, with the guy Jonah and such, she had no problem liking him. Possibly it may not be the same with 'Dork Freddie'. She has known Freddie for awhile, if there was any chance she liked him, she would obviously be to embarrassed to like a guy like Freddie, especially in front of Carly. Sam can't even go to her best friend for how to like Freddie? She would have already, but she hasn't. This means she doesn't like him!


So take a look at this picture. What do you see? Well, let me tell you what I see. I see an angry blonde woman about to crush this young boy's arm. Yeah... she doesn't really like him. It's simple guys... It's called 'seducing'. First you see it, then you feel it.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. For Sam, Making fun of Freddie is her way of showing her affection for him. She's known him for so long, it's difficult for her explain what she feels so she expresses it in random acts of violence. Freddie and Sam are such an awesome ship because they're not the normal couple. They both have difficulties admitting these feelings for each other, so they both choose to keep arguing as a way of communicating. Creddie is just too simple. Carly has pushed aside Freddie for so long, he needs to be with someone who appreciates who he really is - This person being Sam. SEDDIE has whole EPISODES devoted to them. I find it very hard to believe creddie will be the end result, though I do believe it will have its moments. Seddie is MAGNIFICENT! YOU HAVE to admit, that Seddie brings a smile to your face. I KNOW you were as excited about iKISS as all of us seddiers were.

  3. I don't have anything against Creddie but Seddie is WAY better =)!!!!! CREDDIE NEEDS TO HAPPEN FIRST so that they will eventually beak up and get tired of each other and that way SEDDIE CAN END THE SHOW =)!!!!! Please don't hate this comment but that is just the way I see it.

    My opionion:
    Seddie = 100%
    Creddie = 10%

  4. Dear Rachel,

    Though I read your post, I still will continue to ship Creddie. I wasn't very excited for iKiss. I actually was kind of dreading it in a way. I watch every iCarly episode, so it's not like I wasn't going to watch it. I wasn't very excited, because Sam and Freddie were going to kiss... When I saw them do it on my TV, I was a bit bummed...

  5. OH my....Um i think you are totally wrong that Sam doesn't like Freddie. She actually likes to hide her true feelings by being mean, she's just shy. And yah, she is embarrassed to like Freddie, that's why she hides is so well...Although i know you want Creddie so much, you shouldn't say Seddie Sucks, because that is just being a sore-loser.... :I
